TUCO giochi in legno Montessori e Pikler, giochi educaativi, giocattoli didattici, learning tower, torre della crescita, trinagolo di pikler, tavolini da lavoro, balance.
Montessori, Pkler. torre montessoriana, triangolo di pikler, metodo montessori, torre della crescita
casetta in legno da gardino per bambini TUCO
casetta in legno da gardino per bambini TUCO
TUCO giochi in legno Montessori e Pikler, giochi educaativi, giocattoli didattici, learning tower, torre della crescita, trinagolo di pikler, tavolini da lavoro, balance.

To grow and acquire autonomy

Montessori Growth Towers, Pikler Triangles, Montessori Libraries, Boxes and Games to grow with Fantasia.

Pikler Triangle

Smile Triangle

Pikler Game Triangles.
To increase skills.

montessori tower, montessori towers, montessori towers

Smile Tower

Montessori towers to grow
and be autonomous

montessori table and chair

Smile Growth Table&Chair

Tavoli e Sedie Montessori
to Create and Grow.

tables, stools, wooden chairs

Smile Table&Chair

tables, stools, wooden chairs
and wooden benches

wooden play box with wheels

Smile ToyBox

Wooden boxes with wheels
cute trolleys to tidy up the carpet

wooden baby meters with photographs

Wooden kids growth chart

Wood molded and customizable.
To grow in joy.

“Alice, Pirates, Dinosaurs, Princesses, all our subjects are born in childhood literature, books that we have read and that we want to bring fantasy into the life of every child”

Alberto e Giusj

Over 200 customers say about us…

[testimonials_slider dots="false" speed="500" autoplay_interval="3500"]

Wood, colors and design

We start from birch wood, with its knots and elegant veins, we print it with magical worlds to bring imagination into people’s lives.

Solid, safe, easy to assemble

The TUCO ™ Smile line was created to last over time.
Super stable, safe and with simple, intuitive and fun assembly.


Toys must be beautiful but, above all, good. This is why we produce them with zero CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and with 100% solar energy. We only use natural materials without toxic substances.

Certificazione FSC

With the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification we respect the nature and rights of workers. FSC is a chain of custody of the raw material that guarantees the correct treatment of timber and forests.

100% Made in Italy

Design, production and materials are all very Italian and we are very proud of them.

Fantasy in your garden!

Discover all the models of TUCO ™ wooden houses for children! Unique products, friends of the environment and your children.
The TUCO ™ wooden playhouse for children is handcrafted with high quality woods and treated with professional painting cycles.
They are outdoor playhouses that have been printed directly on wood. They are playhouses suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and are CE marked.
Wooden play houses for children. Wooden garden houses to play,

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tuco giocattoli in legno, giocattoli montessori, giocattoli montessoriani, pikler
tuco misura bimbo in legno, metri misura bimbo, metro misurabimbo
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tuco giocattoli in legno, giocattoli montessori, giocattoli montessoriani, pikler
tuco misura bimbo in legno, metri misura bimbo, metro misurabimbo
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